Download the Antenno app now from the App Store or Google Play and get notifications for places you care about such as home, work, your holiday home, rental property or school!

Stay updated with Antenno
Keeping up to date on what’s going on in your neighbourhood has never been easier.
Download Antenno, our FREE mobile app that sends you notifications and alerts about the places you care about. This might include your home, workplace, rental property or where your kids go to school. It's customised by you! Just make sure to enter your exact place of collection, for example: 101 Bank Street, Te Awamutu 3800.
Updates include things like water information, recycling updates, road works notifications, payment reminders, community events and more. You get to choose what you want to be alerted about, which means we're not bothering you with things that don't affect you.
Antenno is free to download and use. You don’t need to provide any personal information or login details to stay informed. Simply visit the App Store or Google Play to get started.
Alert us with Antenno
You can use Antenno to give us feedback or report an issue in Waipā. Use the app to tell us about potholes, graffihiti, overflowing rubbish bins, missed recycling collections or dumped rubbish.
If it is an urgent matter, please call us on 0800 924 723.
Frequently Asked Questions for Antenno
I'm not getting any notifications. Why?
We've received reports of people not receiving scheduled notifications like the recycling day reminder.
The best fix for this is to uninstall and reinstall the app, which tends to solve the problem. Otherwise, please contact us for additional support.
Why do I have to save specific addresses?
Antenno aims to provide relevant information for the specific places you care about, for example it is unlikely that someone living in Pirongia needs to receive posts about a rural road flooding in Maungatautari. Adding your exact address is particularly important for recycling reminders as these are set to a specific route.
If you received all Antenno posts it would start to look like a social media feed that you would need to sift through to find messages relevant to you. If something comes up that affects the entire district or town, you'll still receive that information.
Can I opt out of a topic for a specific place?
Yes, you can choose to opt out of a topic for a specific place or entirely. For example, if you have added your "workplace" and don't want to receive recycling reminders for this place, tap the settings icon in the bottom right corner of a recycling post and select "Don't send me this topic at 'workplace'".
To opt out entirely, select "Never send me this topic".
Can I opt back in to a topic that I have opted out of?
Not at this stage, but very soon yes you will be able to.
Can I respond to a post?
The only response available at this stage is a thumbs up "thanks". Future enhancements will allow more detailed responses.
Sometimes posts seem to be delayed - why?
The app requires either a WIFI connection or mobile data to receive posts. If you are not using WIFI or don't have mobile data turned on, you won't receive new posts until you are connected again.
Can I initiate a message?
Yes, use the “My Reports” feature. This is handy to report potholes, water breaks, graffiti and other things you see when you’re out and about in the community.
Sometimes I don't receive a post for weeks. Why?
That’s because there hasn't been an incident or message relevant to you. Don't worry, Antenno will let you know when something comes up.
How does Council decide who receives a post?
When we have a message to send out, we check who in our communities should receive that alert. For example, a notification of a public meeting being held in Te Awamutu regarding Memorial Park would be sent to Te Awamutu residents only; a flooding event affecting traffic flow on Cambridge Road between Te Awamutu and Cambridge would be sent to Te Awamutu and Cambridge residents who are likely to travel in between those towns; and a recycling reminder for Ohaupo would be sent to residents in and around Ohaupo.
If I have multiple places saved, how do I know which place a post relates to?
Each post shows which of your saved places it relates to at the top left. For example, if you have saved three places (your home, work and rental property) you will see that for a rates reminder (a district wide message) all three appear at the top as this post is relevant to all three places.
Help and Support
For questions about notification content please contact us.
For assistance and support regarding the mobile app, please contact the Antenno team on