Have your say

Every six years Council review our Waste Minimisation Plan.

This is a mandatory process to enable Council to continue accessing the government’s waste levy (worth close to $400,000 per year – and climbing!) It’s the waste levy which funds most of Council’s waste minimisation activities.

There are six main issues we were asking your feedback on.

Here’s the summary:

  • Reducing food (organic) waste
  • Do we need to change the way we collect rubbish?
  • How can we reduce recycling contamination?
  • Ways to diverting construction and demolition waste
  • Making sure we have right infrastructure
  • Getting the most from national waste policy

Submissions have now closed for waste less Waipā - thank you for providing your feedback.

For more information

on what we currently do with waste in Waipā, as well as some interesting stats on how we recycle