Residents urged to check recycling alerts

Waipa Antenno users trending upward
Waipā District Council has recently become aware that a number of residents are receiving incorrect recycling collection notifications on the free mobile app Antenno; however, this problem is easily fixed.
“I recommend all Antenno users check their data settings to ensure they have inserted their street name as well as street number. It appears some people have saved only their street name which creates a problem for the recycling alerts. If you have moved house it’s also a good time to update your data,” says Dawn Inglis, theCouncil’s Service Delivery Group Manager.
If you are one of those people who forgets about recycling day, then we recommend you download Antenno to receive alerts on your phone the night before its due. Recycling is one of the most popular topics on the app, but there are also many other useful features notes Dawn Inglis.
Antenno is a free digital tool that sends residents updates and reminders for things like rates, recycling, dog registration, community events, road closures and more. Users select alerts that are relevant and personal to them, and they can opt out of topics they don’t want.
In the last six months the number of Antenno users in Waipā has almost doubled from 3,424 users to 5,671.
“I’m not surprised Antenno its trending upwards so quickly. Locals are realising it is a handy piece of technology that makes their life easier with reminder alerts. During Covid-19 times its convenient and saves time because people can reduce face to face visits to the council offices for various services,” says Dawn Inglis.
The Antenno app can also be used to report issues and submit feedback to Council’s customer support team.
“If you see graffiti, or spot a potential issue in the community that is council related you can report it quickly and easily using the app. If you’ve taken a photo, you can add that to your report as well.”
In an Antenno survey, one user was particularly impressed with the ability to receive alerts for more than one property which meant they could remind their elderly mother about her recycling collection.
Antenno is available on Apple and Android smartphones and can be installed from the App Store or Google Play. No personal information or log in details are required. To download the app and for more information visit https://www.Waipā
Waipa Antenno users trending upward