Business and bats win with Airport land development
Businesses and critically-endangered long-tailed bats will have more land to call home in Waipā, following a decision to rezone rural land for development in the Airport Business Zone.
In a joint proposal by Titanium Park Ltd and Rukuhia Properties Ltd (the applicants), about 89ha of land to the northwest of the Airport became Airport Business Zone this week.
This followed an independent hearing decision to approve the plan change in June 2023 and a successful appeal mediation, working alongside Forest and Bird to identify a bat habitat site.
As part of the process, an ecology assessment was done on the area. Evidence of the rare bats was identified, and provisions were required to protect and enhance the habitats.
Group manager district growth and regulatory Wayne Allan said one of our key roles is to encourage economic development in Waipā, all while ensuring we protect our environment.
“This is a prime example of us living our values. This land zone change not only reconfirmed our commitment to being economically progressive, but it also emphasises our commitment to be environmental champions.”
“The additional land at Titanium Park will provide more options for businesses to call Waipā home, adding to the suite of land opportunities we have to offer following the recent rezoning of 75ha of land in Hautapu.”
An 11ha site was a part of the application, the additional 4.1ha site was identified near-by and will also be transferred to a charitable trust. Both sites will be subject to bat management plans, which will include habitat enhancement outcomes, planting and maintenance specifications.
“When we make allowances for industry and land development, we must remember that we are kaitiaki to this area and its biodiversity. We need to ensure local businesses are looked after and that we create an attractive district for new businesses to call home, all while protecting our whenua for future generations.”
“I think everyone involved can agree, we are future proofing our natural heritage and creating economic opportunity. That is a win-win we can all be proud of,” Allan said.