Planning Lake Ngā Roto’s future underway
NewsThe community can now have their say on the future of Te Awamutu’s Lake Ngā Roto.
A chance to celebrate our hometown heroes
NewsFan festivities have kicked off to celebrate Waipā’s hometown heroes, as they get ready to take on the world’s best at the 2024 Olympics in Paris.
Sports Walk of Fame honouring James McDonald
NewsTalented international jockey James McDonald is being inducted into Cambridge’s Sports Walk of Fame.
Minister declines request for extension to medium-density plan change
NewsA request for Waipā District Council to extend the time it has to introduce medium-density residential housing rules to February next year has been declined by the Government.
Cambridge Connections attracts more than 500 responses
NewsMore than 500 responses have been received following the recent round of engagement for Cambridge Connections.
$200,000 awarded to Cambridge Town Clock
NewsA $200,000 grant has been awarded for the restoration of the Cambridge Town Clock.
Karāpiro Stream Bridge gets safety improvements
NewsA new guardrail will be installed along the Karāpiro Stream Bridge on Achilles Avenue in Cambridge, to improve safety and reduce the likelihood of serious crashes.
Cambridge wastewater treatment plant reaches another milestone
NewsA key milestone in the construction of Cambridge’s new wastewater treatment plant was achieved yesterday with treated effluent diverted to a new outfall structure for the first time.
Community feedback sought on representation
NewsA review of the way people are represented around the Waipā District Council table is about to get underway but first elected members want to hear the views of their communities.
Waipā says a strong ‘no’ to binding polls on Māori Wards
NewsWaipā District Council is calling on the Government to halt the progression of the bill that would see a binding poll required to maintain its Māori Ward.
Belts and braces approach for Victoria Road roundabout
NewsA combination of big trucks and their navigation ability prompted a ‘belts and braces’ approach to the design of the Victoria Road roundabout at Hautapu.
Museum and Council staff to return home to Roche Street
NewsEarthquake strengthening will be undertaken on the former Te Awamutu Museum and Council building to allow staff to return ‘home’.
Pedestrian safety improvements priority for Cook Street
NewsPedestrian safety improvements are about to get underway at the Cook Street and Shakespeare Street roundabout in Leamington.
Works to start on historic Hall Street
NewsThe wait is over for residents of Cambridge’s historic Hall Street with work set to begin on a series of improvements to the street.
Council helps Menzshed find new home
NewsCambridge Community Menzshed finally has a place to call home, thanks to their new lease for the historic Leamington Dairy Factory.
Final stage of engagement for Ahu Ake – Waipā Community Spatial Plan
NewsExciting news! We are in the process of planning our next steps of engagement for Ahu Ake – Waipā Community Spatial Plan.
Small number contaminating recycling cost those getting it right
NewsFive percent of residents are costing ratepayers around $50,000 a month for not getting their recycling sorted.
Waipā retains AA- Fitch rating for seventh year in a row
NewsInternational rating agency Fitch has reaffirmed Waipā District Council's credit rating as AA- with a stable outlook.
Wastewater infrastructure gets an upgrade to support growth
NewsWork has started on a new wastewater pump station in Te Awamutu’s Pekerau Reserve to meet current levels of service and increasing demand and support new growth in the area.
Trade providers benefit: $10.8M injection from council panel
NewsA total of $10.8M has been injected back into local trade service providers from August 2021 to May 2024, through a panel designed to streamline Waipā District Council’s procurement process.