Rural firefighting water supply
Rural Firefighting:
Heightened awareness of fire risk means we have reviewed how the District Plan Rule – ‘water for firefighting purposes’ rule is implemented in Waipā district.
What you need to know
This rule has been updated as per a recent plan change. As such, new dwellings proposed at building consent or landuse consent will be required to meet this rule. For subdivisions, Council will be applying a consent notice condition on all approved subdivision applications in areas where water supply infrastructure is not provided by Council. This condition means that future dwellings will need to provide water supply for firefighting purposes.
Where compliance cannot be demonstrated, there are two options moving forward:
1. a resource consent will be required, or
1. the building consent will be held under section 37 of the Building Act until compliance can be met.
What does “adequate water supply” actually mean?
“Adequate water supply” is as follows. This provides a range of options.
For the purposes of rule, “adequate water supply” will be applied to any building with electricity and interpreted as meaning either:
a. A home fire sprinkler system fitted with a reliable year-round water supply; or
b. Water supply which is:
Accessible to firefighting equipment; and
Between 6 and 90 metres from the building; and
On the same site as the building in the case of a rainwater tank or swimming pool; and
Either stores 45,000 litres; or provides at least 25 litres per second for 30 minutes
c. For the purposes of this rule, supplies that meet these requirements either on their own or in combination, may include rainwater tanks, ponds, dams, rivers, swimming pools or any other water supply.
If you have any questions, or would like further information please contact our Resource Consents Team Leader or District Plan and Growth Manager on 0800 WAIPADC (0800 924 723).