Water meters
Water meters measure the amount of water used by a household or business in Waipa. They are read quarterly (just like a power reading) to accurately record how much water is being consumed. You only receive charges for the water you use.
How to locate and read your water meter
Water meters are usually located close to the property boundary, near the road. Look for the blue box in the ground - it's often marked with "water" in writing on the lid.
- For an easy-use guide to reading your water meter, click here.
Grab a screwdriver and flip the lid - a flathead screwdriver works best for this. Once the lid is open, you'll be able to see the meter dial and the gate valve. Tip: If you have a leak, turn the gate valve to switch off the water at your property.
- The white numbers on the black background make up the water invoice - these are counted in cubic metres (m3).
- The white numbers on the red background, count in litres - these aren't included in your water invoice.
The smaller disc in the middle of your water meter spins around whenever water is flowing through the meter. This may be helpful for detecting leaks. If the disc spins when all your property's taps are off, you may have a leak.
- Learn more about water rates here.