Amenity signs are used where street name signs provide less than adequate directions to certain public amenities.
Signs are in a format similar to street name signs, having blue or green lettering on white background (or white on brown for amenities with significant tourist activity).
To avoid excessive clutter and to ensure consistency of signage, we have adopted a policy of approving signs only where such amenities:
- offer facilities or services available to the wider community; and
- regularly attract visitors likely to be unfamiliar with the area
Signs are to be generic in nature, rather than displaying specific trade names, e.g. church, community hall. Signs will not be permitted where the amenity is sited on a recognised main (principal or arterial) road.
All installation and on-going maintenance work shall be carried out by Waipa District Council's signs contractor, with all costs being the responsibility of the applicant.
Signs that need to be sited on State Highways require approval from the New Zealand Transport Agency, phone 07 958 7840.