Hamilton Road Cycleway
We’ve finished construction Cambridge’s first two-way cycleway on Hamilton Road.
Hamilton Road Cycleway connects to several shared paths and stretch from the Victoria Road roundabout out to the Avantidrome.
The project was undertaken in three stages – the first from Bryce Street crossing the green belt through Payne Park where it connects with another existing cycleway.
We also installed pedestrian traffic signals on Hamilton Road, the installation of two raised crossings on Bryce and Vogel streets and improvements to the existing footpath and bus shelter.
This is the first in a network of cycleways in Cambridge and across the district to make it safer and easier for residents to get to key destinations using alternative modes of transport.
Find out more about our future plans for walking and cycling in Waipā here.
Extending the cycleway
At the end of 2022/start of 2023 we will be undertaking a major project, Cambridge Corridor. This project will see the extension of the Hamilton Road Cycleway. It will be extended along Cambridge Road and will eventually link up to the Velodrome near St Peters.
Latest update
December - We're done! We've turned on the traffic lights, removed the road cones and have officially opened the new Hamilton Road Cycleway. We hope you enjoy it!
October –We’ve spent October putting the finishing touches on the Hamilton Road cycleway. Since early October, we’ve:
- completed the Hamilton Road bus stop,
- installed an overhead light for the pedestrian crossing
- installed a new water fountain at Grey Street intersection; and
- Added footpath etchings to indicate different areas of use.

September - Since July, we've completed the cul-de-sac at Hall Street and Grey Street, added the cycleway lanes and installed the new solar-powered lampposts that will light the way for our pedestrians and cycleway users. We're also putting the finishing touches on the bus bay, and getting the grass tidied up in anticipation for completing stage one of the Hamilton Road Cycleway.

We've also opened up the Paynes Park section of the cycleway for people to use. We think it's looking great!

We'll be connecting this end with the Kelly Road businesses and residential developments in 2022 to continue to safe journey to the medical centre, cafe, and other shops in the area.

We're putting the finishing touches on the dual cycleway ready to open this section up for all users soon!
July – We’ve made some great progress on the cycleway and footpath in the past few weeks. Since early June we’ve:
- Completed a stretch of the cycleway and footpath from Vogel Street to Hall Street
- Almost completed a cul-de-sac at the southern end of Hall Street with an exit lane
- Begun excavating both sides of Grey Street in preparation for cul-de-sacs with exit lanes
- Are preparing to lay asphalt for the cycleway between Hall and Grey streets
- Completed a raised crossing over Vogel Street
June - Part of the Hamilton Road Cycleway will soon be open for use! Our contractors will be putting the finishing touches on the cycleway and the new footpath from Vogel Street through Payne Park this week which means you'll be able to test it out from next week.
Work is also well underway on the Vogel Street to Hall Street section, and we've completed the raised crossing on Vogel Street.
The two-way cycleway and footpath through Payne Park.
The raised crossing on Vogel Street.
Hamilton Road Cycleway 2
May – We’ve broken ground on this exciting project and have laid the foundations of the cycleway through Payne Park to Vogel Street. We’ve also created a footpath running parallel to the cycleway.
Contractors will now install drainage structures (soak holes) in preparation for the remainder of the cycleway and shifting existing services and drainage connections to soak holes.
Major progress on the two-way cycleway on Hamilton Road
Progress on the two-way cycleway on Hamilton Road
Why Hamilton Road?
By 2050, the population of Cambridge is expected to nearly double - that’s a whole lot of residents and a whole lot of cars. On either side of Hamilton Road, we’ve started installing the waters infrastructure for two major housing developments, known as C2 and C3.
They’ll provide for around 3400 new dwellings, a neighbourhood centre and a new primary school. One of the key purposes of this new cycleway is to provide a path for those residents to get into town easily by bike or on foot rather than having to rely on their cars.
We also know creating great spaces for walking and cycling is important to Cambridge residents.
In 2018, as part of the Cambridge Town Concept Plan Refresh over 1,700 people told us improving walking and cycling infrastructure and making Cambridge a better connected town was a top priority.
So here we are! This is a step towards transforming Cambridge into a cycle and pedestrian-friendly town.
This project will run alongside the Streets for People project which also aims to make the streets of Cambridge more pedestrian and cyclist friendly.
Changes to Grey and Hall streets
Both sides of Grey Street and the south side of Hall street will have a one-way access as part of this project. See below for more details.

Both sides of Grey Street where it meets Hamilton Road.

The south side of Hall Street where it meets Hamilton Road.